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Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All

7 November 2021 (extended)

Call for abstracts

special issue to be launched

at 11th World Urban Forum

Katowice, 26-30 June 2022

This issue, produced in partnership with the World Blind Union in line with the commitments in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions, seeks to raise awareness and foster learning around universal design, accessibility, and inclusion in public spaces. The issue will collect research articles (academic / max 8.000 words), case studies and viewpoints (non-academic /max 3.000 words), from academia, city professionals, city managers and officials, urban planners and civil society, including organisations of persons with disabilities (OPD). The primary weight is intended to be on the diversity of persons with disabilities, their participation in designing public spaces, and accessibility in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) including CRPD Article 9, CRPD General Comment 2, Sustainable Development Goal 11, and the New Urban Agenda. Participation, accessibility, and universal design in line with these instruments are often overlooked in discussions and implementation of local projects related to urban spaces impacting enjoyment of rights and equality of opportunities in today’s urban areas. This issue also invites contributions reflecting perspectives on other marginalised groups in urban communities, including older persons, who face and experience accessibility barriers in public spaces. Important dates and deadlines - Submission of abstracts: 15 October 2021 - Notification of acceptance: 1 November 2021 - Submission of full papers: 15 December 2021 - Comments from peer reviewers sent to authors: 30 January 2022 - Submission of the final paper ready for publication: 15 March 2022 - Publication (expected): May 2022 Only authors who will receive a notification of acceptance of abstracts will be entitled to submit full papers.


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