31 de Março 2021
Call for papers
Call for Papers for a special issue on Regional management of growth: strategic and instrumental design in intermunicipal operational arrangements
This special issue intends to fill this gap. It will include cross-sectional contributions on the content and effects of growth management as well as regional case studies. These will highlight specific methods and practices in their regional and local planning context. In order to provide examples (projects or studies) from the practice of spatial development and spatial planning, international case studies and comparative studies are explicitly envisaged. Thus, German developments are to be considered reasonably and also in an international context. The aim is to learn from best practice and particularly from the successful implementation of strategies. Governance must also be improved in border regions. International contributions to the special issue are therefore very welcome!
• Deadline for submission of the abstracts: 31 March 2021.
• Authors receive feedback on their submitted abstracts: 1 May 2021.
• Deadline for submission of papers: 31 October 2021.
• The online first publication will occur about four weeks after the paper in question has been accepted.
• The print version of the special issue is planned for summer 2022.